How to use the arduino breadboard syb 46?

Hello , everyone! Recently I've bought the arduino board with the arduino breadboard syb 46

The problem is I don't understand how to use it. I can't understand the scheme of this model of breadboard, where is plus and minus, where is ground , etc. I've already watched a lot videos about arduino breadboards on youtube but I found no videos about this arduino breadboard model :frowning: I 'm asking about help, because the absence of needed information very frustrates me :frowning: so I can't begin to work on arduino :frowning:

Thanks in advance!

Hi, welcome to the forum.

Remove the bottom, like in this video, then you know :stuck_out_tongue:

... and then go buy an other breadboard :confused:

To be serious: In the photo I can read SYB-46.
Google for that, and here is a drawing with the connections :
It seems that the 'X' and 'Y' are connected along the whole length. Use one of them for the GND and one for the 5V (or 3.3V or whatever voltage you use).

EDIT: now I read that "syb 46" was in the subject. Ha ha.

Try ringing it out or just use a multimeter to test for common connected points.

Try ringing it out or just use a multimeter to test for common connected points.

That's not going to be easy, since multimeter probes cannot fit in the holes!

Essentially the pattern of connections is like this, except that you only have one "bus" row on top and bottom.

I don't think much further explanation is needed. :grinning:

That's not going to be easy, since multimeter probes cannot fit in the holes!

Surely one must at least credit the OP with a bit of nous to use common sense and attach a breadboard wire (or similar) to the end of the multimeter probe...

Alternatively, he could insert only one end of a bunch of breadboard wires all over the breadboard and test for continuity till he figures out the connection matrix.

Same thing happened to me today when testing continuity to some header pins - the probe could not fit but a breadboard wire sure did.