Led 8x32 dot matrix game need help

Hi everyone, I am currently working in 8x32 led matrix snake game. The code I used is perfectly working in 8x8 matrix. When i try to flash my code in 8x32, the four 8x8 matrix display it independently even if i changed it a little bit and doesn't, move in 8 row and 32 column. Other says I need to make 2 instances for row and column but I don't have any idea how to do it.

Sample Video:
Sample Output After Flashing the 8x8 matrix code to 8x32

Code I used in 8x8 LED Matrix

#include <LedControl.h>

//Define The Snake as a Struct
typedef struct Snake Snake;
struct Snake{
  int head[2];     // the (row, column) of the snake head
  int body[40][2]; //An array that contains the (row, column) coordinates
  int len;         //The length of the snake 
  int dir[2];      //A direction to move the snake along

//Define The Apple as a Struct
typedef struct Apple Apple;
struct Apple{
  int rPos; //The row index of the apple
  int cPos; //The column index of the apple

//MAX72XX led Matrix
const int DIN =D11;
const int CS =D10;
const int CLK = D13;
LedControl lc = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS,1);

const int varXPin = A0;//X Value  from Joystick
const int varYPin = A0;//Y Value from Joystick

byte pic[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//The 8 rows of the LED Matrix

Snake snake = {{1,5},{{0,5}, {1,5}}, 2, {1,0}};//Initialize a snake object
Apple apple = {(int)random(0,8),(int)random(0,8)};//Initialize an apple object

//Variables To Handle The Game Time
float oldTime = 0;
float timer = 0;
float updateRate = 3;

int i,j;//Counters
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
   The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,
   we have to do a wakeup call
  /* Set the brightness to a medium values */
  /* and clear the display */

  //Set Joystick Pins as INPUTs
  pinMode(varXPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(varYPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  float deltaTime = calculateDeltaTime();
  timer += deltaTime;

  //Check For Inputs
  int xVal = analogRead(varXPin);
  int yVal = analogRead(varYPin);
  if(xVal<100 && snake.dir[1]==0){
    snake.dir[0] = 0;
    snake.dir[1] = -1;
  }else if(xVal >920 && snake.dir[1]==0){
    snake.dir[0] = 0;
    snake.dir[1] = 1;
  }else if(yVal<100 && snake.dir[0]==0){
    snake.dir[0] = -1;
    snake.dir[1] = 0;
  }else if(yVal >920 && snake.dir[0]==0){
    snake.dir[0] = 1;
    snake.dir[1] = 0;
  if(timer > 1000/updateRate){
    timer = 0;

float calculateDeltaTime(){
  float currentTime = millis();
  float dt = currentTime - oldTime;
  oldTime = currentTime;
  return dt;

void reset(){
  for(int j=0;j<8;j++){
    pic[j] = 0;
void Bago(){
  reset();//Reset (Clear) the 8x8 LED matrix
  int newHead[2] = {snake.head[0]+snake.dir[0], snake.head[1]+snake.dir[1]};

  //Handle Borders
  }else if(newHead[0]==-1){
    newHead[0] = 7;
  }else if(newHead[1]==8){
  }else if(newHead[1]==-1){
  //Check If The Snake hits itself
    if(snake.body[j][0] == newHead[0] && snake.body[j][1] == newHead[1]){
      //Pause the game for 1 sec then Reset it
      snake = {{1,5},{{0,5}, {1,5}}, 2, {1,0}};//Reinitialize the snake object
      apple = {(int)random(0,8),(int)random(0,8)};//Reinitialize an apple object

  //Check if The snake ate the apple
  if(newHead[0] == apple.rPos && newHead[1] ==apple.cPos){
    snake.len = snake.len+1;
    apple.rPos = (int)random(0,8);
    apple.cPos = (int)random(0,8);
    removeFirst();//Shifting the array to the left
  snake.body[snake.len-1][0]= newHead[0];
  snake.body[snake.len-1][1]= newHead[1];
  snake.head[0] = newHead[0];
  snake.head[1] = newHead[1];
  //Update the pic Array to Display(snake and apple)
    pic[snake.body[j][0]] |= 128 >> snake.body[j][1];
  pic[apple.rPos] |= 128 >> apple.cPos;

void Render(){

void removeFirst(){
    snake.body[j-1][0] = snake.body[j][0];
    snake.body[j-1][1] = snake.body[j][1];

I tried to change this part to 4 to specify the number of devices I use and I successfully display the game in first matrix but doesn't pass through in the 2nd to the 4th matrix even I change the value in the handle borders.

LedControl lc = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS,4);

I hope someone can help me. I really need it :(( thank youuu!!!!

PS: I edit the post to to clarify more my problem. It still unsolved.

What does the code actually do? How is that different from what you want? Give us a clue for what to look for.


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@lestercute please explain why you deleted a post, and particularly one which contained code?

This code

byte pic[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//The 8 rows of the LED Matrix

is defining 8 rows of 8 bits. I expect that this should be 8 rows of 32 bits for 4 modules.

These lines of code (at minimum) probably need to change something for the change in columns.

    apple.cPos = (int)random(0,8);


There are so many 'magic constants' in this code that it is difficult to understand what is going on. I would suggest that you start by defining constant for the number of rows (8) and columns (8 then 32) and then using these constant names in the code. This will help you understand where '8' is a row or column more clearly.

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