Hi everyone, I am currently working in 8x32 led matrix snake game. The code I used is perfectly working in 8x8 matrix. When i try to flash my code in 8x32, the four 8x8 matrix display it independently even if i changed it a little bit and doesn't, move in 8 row and 32 column. Other says I need to make 2 instances for row and column but I don't have any idea how to do it.
Sample Video:
Sample Output After Flashing the 8x8 matrix code to 8x32
Code I used in 8x8 LED Matrix
#include <LedControl.h>
//Define The Snake as a Struct
typedef struct Snake Snake;
struct Snake{
int head[2]; // the (row, column) of the snake head
int body[40][2]; //An array that contains the (row, column) coordinates
int len; //The length of the snake
int dir[2]; //A direction to move the snake along
//Define The Apple as a Struct
typedef struct Apple Apple;
struct Apple{
int rPos; //The row index of the apple
int cPos; //The column index of the apple
//MAX72XX led Matrix
const int DIN =D11;
const int CS =D10;
const int CLK = D13;
LedControl lc = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS,1);
const int varXPin = A0;//X Value from Joystick
const int varYPin = A0;//Y Value from Joystick
byte pic[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//The 8 rows of the LED Matrix
Snake snake = {{1,5},{{0,5}, {1,5}}, 2, {1,0}};//Initialize a snake object
Apple apple = {(int)random(0,8),(int)random(0,8)};//Initialize an apple object
//Variables To Handle The Game Time
float oldTime = 0;
float timer = 0;
float updateRate = 3;
int i,j;//Counters
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,
we have to do a wakeup call
/* Set the brightness to a medium values */
/* and clear the display */
//Set Joystick Pins as INPUTs
pinMode(varXPin, INPUT);
pinMode(varYPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
float deltaTime = calculateDeltaTime();
timer += deltaTime;
//Check For Inputs
int xVal = analogRead(varXPin);
int yVal = analogRead(varYPin);
if(xVal<100 && snake.dir[1]==0){
snake.dir[0] = 0;
snake.dir[1] = -1;
}else if(xVal >920 && snake.dir[1]==0){
snake.dir[0] = 0;
snake.dir[1] = 1;
}else if(yVal<100 && snake.dir[0]==0){
snake.dir[0] = -1;
snake.dir[1] = 0;
}else if(yVal >920 && snake.dir[0]==0){
snake.dir[0] = 1;
snake.dir[1] = 0;
if(timer > 1000/updateRate){
timer = 0;
float calculateDeltaTime(){
float currentTime = millis();
float dt = currentTime - oldTime;
oldTime = currentTime;
return dt;
void reset(){
for(int j=0;j<8;j++){
pic[j] = 0;
void Bago(){
reset();//Reset (Clear) the 8x8 LED matrix
int newHead[2] = {snake.head[0]+snake.dir[0], snake.head[1]+snake.dir[1]};
//Handle Borders
}else if(newHead[0]==-1){
newHead[0] = 7;
}else if(newHead[1]==8){
}else if(newHead[1]==-1){
//Check If The Snake hits itself
if(snake.body[j][0] == newHead[0] && snake.body[j][1] == newHead[1]){
//Pause the game for 1 sec then Reset it
snake = {{1,5},{{0,5}, {1,5}}, 2, {1,0}};//Reinitialize the snake object
apple = {(int)random(0,8),(int)random(0,8)};//Reinitialize an apple object
//Check if The snake ate the apple
if(newHead[0] == apple.rPos && newHead[1] ==apple.cPos){
snake.len = snake.len+1;
apple.rPos = (int)random(0,8);
apple.cPos = (int)random(0,8);
removeFirst();//Shifting the array to the left
snake.body[snake.len-1][0]= newHead[0];
snake.body[snake.len-1][1]= newHead[1];
snake.head[0] = newHead[0];
snake.head[1] = newHead[1];
//Update the pic Array to Display(snake and apple)
pic[snake.body[j][0]] |= 128 >> snake.body[j][1];
pic[apple.rPos] |= 128 >> apple.cPos;
void Render(){
void removeFirst(){
snake.body[j-1][0] = snake.body[j][0];
snake.body[j-1][1] = snake.body[j][1];
I tried to change this part to 4 to specify the number of devices I use and I successfully display the game in first matrix but doesn't pass through in the 2nd to the 4th matrix even I change the value in the handle borders.
LedControl lc = LedControl(DIN, CLK, CS,4);
I hope someone can help me. I really need it :(( thank youuu!!!!
PS: I edit the post to to clarify more my problem. It still unsolved.