Program Help (GPS GSM MODULES)


I am looking for any tips or pointers on my program which I am working on for college.

Basically, my brief was to create a program that could receive an sms message and send back a gps location in return.

To do this I am using a Sim800L GSM Module and a NEO6M GPS Module along with an Arduino mega for testing and eventually a PCB I have made myself at college.

My current program is as follows:

#include <TinyGPS++.h>
TinyGPSPlus gps;
double latitude, longitude;

static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SIM800L(10, 11);      // The serial connection to the GSM device

String response;
int lastStringLength = response.length();

String link;

void setup() 
  Serial.println("GPS Dog Collar");

    Serial.println("SIM800L started at 9600");
    Serial.println("Setup Complete! SIM800L is Ready!");

void loop() 

  if (SIM800L.available()>0)
  response = SIM800L.readStringUntil('\n');

  if(lastStringLength != response.length())
      //Perintah ON
      if(response.indexOf("ON") == 4)
          SIM800L.println("AT+CREG=1");     //CONNECTS TO NETWORK
          delay(1000);                      // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second
          SIM800L.println("AT+CREG?");      //SHOWS CONNECTION
          delay(1000);                      // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second
          SIM800L.println("AT+CSMS=1");     //ENTERS SMS MODE
          delay(1000);                      // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second
          SIM800L.println("AT+CMGF=1");     //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode
          delay(1000);                      // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second
          SIM800L.println(link);            // The SMS text you want to send
          SIM800L.println((char)26);        // ASCII code of CTRL+Z

void GPS()
  if (Serial.available()) 
    latitude =;
    longitude = gps.location.lng();
    link = "" + String(latitude, 6) + "," + String(longitude, 6) ;

It is fairly simple, I am getting it all good as far as the link being displayed on the serial monitor, it is when I am sending the message containing "ON" and expecting the link to be sent back that nothing is happening. No returned message.

Can anyone see any obvious error in the program? Or have any pointers for it?

Thank you!!

The sim800 library uses SoftwareSerial, and you can't use 2 SoftwareSerial ports in the same sketch. Some ideas over here.

Can anyone see any obvious error in the program?

What we can't see is what the program actually does. Some proof that you ARE receiving a text message would be good. Some proof that the text message contains "ON" in any position would be good. Some proof that the position is 4 would be awesome.