I have a demo board as well and tried the same code on that. Aaaaand it was correct on it... see attached image.
pff, still, any thoughts on how to fix it on the previous display or should I chuck it (really don't want to chuck it as I have a few lying around).
makes sense, I perhaps need to play with the drivers. I have tinkered with these before. I'll post a solution here if I'm successful, else I will have an added cost to procure displays separately.
Those watches are cheap as I need the whole set for my project, except the PCB, so I designed the exact PCB and replaced MCU with ESP32
Wow thank god, I refreshed the page, and saw the edit!
Your first solution worked for me! Thanks!
I was so close to cracking it... I realized I need to tinker with MADCTL and opened the Datasheet of ST7735S, and was playing with the combinations, but you solved it for me. Thanks mate!
Here is the pic of the watch for you (final.jpg) and the weird display (final 2.jpg)
PS - I guess it broke the setRotation() and setCursor(), but I found the solution and can fix these functions, so all cool. Thanks again for your help!