Transistor rating for HSDZ buzzer [SOLVED]

My standalone arduino restarts when an active buzzer is added to it but only on this PCB. The only thing i can guess is, it happens when i add the buzzer to it. The buzzer HSDZ that i had bought from my local electronics store. They say the buzzer is rated for 3v to 24v. My other PCB's worked just fine and the schematic does not have a resistor in series with the arduino pin either. here is the picture on ebay but the ones i have are not rated for 5v.

So is the restart because the buzzer is under rated ? i tried adding a 1K resistor in series with the arduino pin and it then it did not restart the arduino but the buzzer gave a clicking sound.

So i was hoping to add a transistor to the arduino like this and that would switch on the resistor with a higher voltage like 12v from the same PCB by adding a resistor from after the capacitor C7 or maybe with out one as these resistors are rated for 24v.

how do i determine the value of the transistor and the current limiting resistor at the base?

If that is a magnetic buzzer, they produce huge amount of electrical interference!
Use a piezo buzzer then.

You could try the circuit, add a reversed biased diode across the magnet buzzer.


How do i determine if it's piezo or magnetic buzzer ? And across the buzzer meaning at the base in series or parallel ?

Ok across would be parallel to the buzzer. Got it. Misunderstood that bit

Is there a specific DIODE that needs to connected ? Would a 1N4007 do ?

Yes it will be fine in your application.

Tom... :slight_smile:

So this is something i should be trying, rite ?

but could somebody suggest me the transistor and the diode. The buzzer uses 63mA and the power source to drive the buzzer will be from c9.

Yes, that will do the trick, but from positive of C7, that is 5V.
Positive of C9 is the unregulated input and it will be at least 8V.

Tom.. :slight_smile:

How do i determine if it's piezo or magnetic buzzer ? And across the buzzer meaning at the base in series or parallel ?

Magnetic buzzers are magnetic. The clue is in the name!

Thanks Tom.

Well the 5v is quite low and using it makes the IC restart. So when using it before regulating the supply from C9 as that is 13v after the bridge and add a cap(10v 50uf) in parallel to the buzzer works for me.

Thanks mark figured that out after a while on the internet. So what i have are magnetic.

Just need to know the transistor to go with and the resistor the current drawn is 22mA and not 63mA. The working voltage is 13v.