Is VIN meant to be connected to ground?

I connected my Arduino Nano to an MPU6050 and powered it with 12V through the VIN pin and as soon as i plugged in the battery the MPU6050 burned out. i used a multimeter to check it and VIN is connected to the ground pin so 12V went through the MPU6050 the wrong way. Is it meant to be like this or is my arduino broken?

Vin is a input, it has two connections, power and ground. On the barrel jack the center pin is positive. The MPU6050 is a 3V3 volt device (Operating Voltages 2.375 3.46 ) so no surprise. You might want to post an annotated schematic where we can verify if what I am saying is actually correct. With the lack of needed information this is just a SWAG (Scientific Wild * guess). Hint I do not read fuzzy's. I highly recommend you use some some of the online tutorials on the Arduino, basic electronics. Also get a copy of the arduino Cookbook which you will need to skim then read parts pertinent to your project.

This is the schematic (I couldnt find the breakout board version of the MPU-6050 so i just used the chip)

VIN is designed to accept voltages higher than 5VDC. Having said this, its "ideal" voltage is 9VDC, not 12VDC. At the higher voltage (12VDC) you will cause excess heat on the Nano and rob power that can be made available at its 5V pin. It sounds like the board you examined has now developed a short between VIN and ground.

so my board is broken and i need a new one?

Not with a Nano Every, with built-in buck converter.

You're not the first one.

Don't forget to add the pullup resistors in the SDA/SCL lines, or it won't work.

How did you test this? If you user the resistance measurement feature of your meter, and I hope the circuit was un-powered, then you simply see ground through the static protection diodes. In other words it is a totally meaningless measurement to take.


I used the continuity check setting, should i not have?

Like I said this is not the way to do this, because of the static protection diodes inside all electronic chips. As I said:-

If there where static protection diodes wouldnt that mean that on a correctly functioning arduino there would not be continuity between the VIN and Ground pins?

The multimeter said that there was continuity and that is why the MPU6050 burnt out, the 12V i powered the arduino with went the wrong way through it and it did not have any diodes to help keep the magic smoke in. I also had a similarly connected RF24L01 which didnt burn out and is a larger and more expensive board. I assume that did have some reverse polarity protection and that is why it still works

OK it is your choice if you don't want to learn. But why ask a question if you don't want to know the answer?

I have been doing electronics for just over 60 years, what is you experience? (rhetorical question no need to answer)

I assume from you name when you blew up your board you thought "oh no, not again".

I will not waste any more of my time trying to help you in that case.

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