Hello, I have a project I am working on requiring wireless transmission. I am using the radio head library, with the default code for the nrf24. I have measured battery power and everything seems fine, with a stable 3.3v being supplied, and every pin having some pwm power going to it.
Here is the code for the server arduino:
// nrf24_server.pde
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Example sketch showing how to create a simple messageing server
// with the RH_NRF24 class. RH_NRF24 class does not provide for addressing or
// reliability, so you should only use RH_NRF24 if you do not need the higher
// level messaging abilities.
// It is designed to work with the other example nrf24_client
// Tested on Uno with Sparkfun NRF25L01 module
// Tested on Anarduino Mini (http://www.anarduino.com/mini/) with RFM73 module
// Tested on Arduino Mega with Sparkfun WRL-00691 NRF25L01 module
#include <SPI.h>
#include <RH_NRF24.h>
// Singleton instance of the radio driver
RH_NRF24 nrf24;
// RH_NRF24 nrf24(8, 7); // use this to be electrically compatible with Mirf
// RH_NRF24 nrf24(8, 10);// For Leonardo, need explicit SS pin
// RH_NRF24 nrf24(8, 7); // For RFM73 on Anarduino Mini
void setup()
while (!Serial)
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
if (!nrf24.init())
Serial.println("init failed");
// Defaults after init are 2.402 GHz (channel 2), 2Mbps, 0dBm
if (!nrf24.setChannel(1))
Serial.println("setChannel failed");
if (!nrf24.setRF(RH_NRF24::DataRate2Mbps, RH_NRF24::TransmitPower0dBm))
Serial.println("setRF failed");
void loop()
if (nrf24.available())
// Should be a message for us now
uint8_t buf[RH_NRF24_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
uint8_t len = sizeof(buf);
if (nrf24.recv(buf, &len))
// NRF24::printBuffer("request: ", buf, len);
Serial.print("got request: ");
// Send a reply
uint8_t data[] = "And hello back to you";
nrf24.send(data, sizeof(data));
Serial.println("Sent a reply");
Serial.println("recv failed");
Additionally here is a wiring diagram from my PCB layout:
I used the connections outlined in the dronebot video (The nRF24L01 - Wireless Joystick for Arduino Robot Car with nRF24L01+ - YouTube), but I did not use the breakout board and wired it directly, with a capacitor and a 3.3v step down.
I use a newly bought 9v alkaline battery to power it all.
Although I have concerns that the module itself may be damaged, as I had manually soldered out its pins (in a very unelegant way...) and replaced it with my own, to better fit the pcb. And I fear I might have lifted a trace in the nrf24. So I just want to know, is there anything wrong with my design, or should I buy two more sets of nrf24s?